Saturday, March 24, 2007

More Egg Hunt

Here are some more pictures from the Egg Hunt.

Egg Hunt

This morning was the egg hunt for Amanda's Place. Clare was joined by Kalie for a very fun morning with beautiful weather. Here a some pictures from today. The first is of the family with the Easter Bunny.

You will also see Clare stuffing her mouth with some of the great food that was around. In addition to each child bringing a dozen eggs for "hiding" families also brought food including sandwiches, salads and sweets. Mmmmmm.....

The sun was bright with only a few clouds as temperatures were in the mid 70s.

Clare had so much fun, even before finding eggs. Her Elmo basket was by her side most of the time.

Eggs, eggs, eggs and more eggs.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Happy St. Patty's Day

Lots of fun today. Mommy was off from work so Clare, Kalie, Mommy and I spent the morning having fun. We had a bite of breakfast out then went to the park. As you can see from the expressions there was a lot of fun being had on this beautiful day in south Florida. Currently 74F under blue skies. We hope everyone has a safe and fun day!

Monday, March 12, 2007


I took this picture this morning as we were getting our day started. This is Clare showing off her personality :)
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